
Previous Drones:

good bye -

venting of the spleen -

merry christmas -

the MAN is WEAK! -




It's like a freakin' tomb in here...

Sheesh, one tiny little supreme court ruling and all the perverts spring away from the computer center like jack rabbits. I heard the greasy PR bitch going on about how the library will steadfastly refuse to install filtering software on the library's computers. "Federal Funding Be Damned!" She said (in effect) the feds only dole out about 50k to a budget that's a big fat 14 mil.

"SUCK ON THAT, O'Conner. Yeah baby, take it like the dirty "...ummm, ok, the PR reptile didn't exactly say all that but I wish she would have.

So, all's quiet on the cc front.

Some guy's looking at Labor/Union articles.

A very nicely dressed lady is trolling

A big, ole hesher dude (Look... hemmed, acid washed jean shorts. A freaking scruffy goatee, c'mon dude, that is so grunge!) is doing some chat thing.

I even scoped out the histories on a couple of computers, (I TOLD you I was bored.) Nuttin'

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