
Previous Drones:

good bye -

venting of the spleen -

merry christmas -

the MAN is WEAK! -




harpy harp

It's starting to get warm, like walk outside and start sweating warm.

Last summer wasn't so bad, but the summer before was classic. It was an unwashed body STANKFEST!

Libraries are freak magnets, they are really the only place you can go and loiter for hours, in fact, you are encouraged. There are certain guidelines to spending 8 hours in a library. Here's how:

1. Be Polite! Librarians aren't swollen ankled fuss-budgets, they just believe in the social graces. A "Please" and "thank-you" will get you far.

2. Be patient. Information management can take time, if you stand there glowering and mumbling under your breath about your misspent taxes, things will practically grind to a halt.

3. If you have an open book on your lap while you sleep, the guards will not hassle you, however, if you flop on a bench, snore or drool, you will be busted.

4. If you are forced to shave/ bathe/ douche/ whatever, do it in a stall. The guards will bounce you if you do it in the sink because it is considered a health risk to have homeless people doing body fluid hygiene in a public place.

5. Don't leer.

6. Don't talk on your cellphone in a loud, overbearing manner. If someone like you has a cellphone, they really aren't satus symbols anymore.

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