
Previous Drones:

good bye -

venting of the spleen -

merry christmas -

the MAN is WEAK! -




Whoa...I shouldna taken all those muscle relaxers....

Another night in the pits. The news so far is that the print servers are still down, yet the place is packed. Most are just goofing around, playing that tetris like game with the popping balloons. In fact, a 40ish couple is sitting right next to each other, killin' time. A couple of girls on a chat line. Some kid playing a drawing game, Shit, call the media, this is a picture perfect opportunity to display a Computer Center and all it does for the community it serves, I'm tearing up.

Bill Gates was on TV last night getting all gushy about the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Little does he know what really happens in these places. Yep, he hasn't a clue that the patrons are all pervs and the stewards are chemically relaxed.

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