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Ding Dong the server's down.

Yup, the print server is STILL down! Good work, systems! Rock on with your Server-being-down-for-5-days self.

Apparently, some patron must have really blown his/her gasket over not being able to print because the Night Guy made up about a hundred signs that say in no uncertain terms that the PRINTER SERVER IS DOWN! and if you try to print ALL WILL BE LOST! WARNING! DOOM! Yet even with a million signs hanging in every spare blank space, I still have to carefully explain to each person that they can't print anything today.

Sometimes you come across someone whom the information age has completely passed by. They "Don't know how to do any of this (gesturing towards computers)." The mouse is an alien appendage, they don't know where the space bar is or what the enter button does. They think the internet shuts down when the computer powers off.

They are helpless but I try not to act like a know-it-all computer ass. It is sometimes frustrating to help these people, they do stuff like put the mouse on the screen, balk at the concept of the rapid double click, freak out on forms. Sigh, most people catch on quick, it's not brain surgery. EWWWW! I just went to help some guy resize his explorer window and when I touched the mouse it was literally cold and slimey, usually they are warm and slimey. Gah, I tried not to recoil, but that was one of the grossest sensations I've felt in a while.

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