
Previous Drones:

good bye -

venting of the spleen -

merry christmas -

the MAN is WEAK! -





It was relatively quiet until this teenaged guy came in and started blowing snot all over the keyboard and the front of his shirt. Now he's snorting his runny nose at 30-second intervals...Shit, he's sitting like, 3 feet away from me. I know that this is how SARS is going to make it to the town.

Wow, I got to tell a grumpy professional that he couldn't have a computer "RIGHT NOW" ha ha. I love that. These men march in and they are so used to getting their way because they have money and they are white and they hold positions of authority. I love messing with their sense of entitlement. I'm probably the only person that tells them they can't have their way. He got shitty and wanted me to bend the rules for him but I told him sorry, nothing for you.

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