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profile fun

I'm sitting in front of my computer and I'm getting drunk. It's been a long time since I've gotten wasted. probably 3 months. I know it's happening because I'm starting to care about shit. The song I hear is the most meaningful song I've ever heard ( Bantam Rooster). I feel like someone has cracked the old skullcap and stuffed my frontal lobe with cotton. What has this got to do with the computer center? Not a DAMN thing. This is my time, I don't want to think about that fucking place. I hate that fucking place. It's like a dead end, a place where life's losers beach themselves, desperately trying to alter their lot in life. The lonely want attention, the unemployed want work, the crazy want quiet, they want unobtrusive structure. The perverted, with strange sexual requests, want validation and release.

That dump, it stinks of failure. It sticks to you, it clings to your clothes. It attaches itself to you like a burr. You carry it with you when your shift is over.

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