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The MAN is keeping me down, man

Remember that incident with the impossibly chipper, yet actually hostile boss I was talking about? That would be the IC,YAH boss, I guess. Well, He's at it again and I really wanted to crotch punch him this morning.

I didn't know I had desk time, I was to be covering for a guy who never takes a vacation. Anyway, I was doing time in the employee restroom and didn't realize that the whole Computer Center was practically in flames and I was supposed to be re-booting, re-building and otherwise scurrying around with my clipboard and thick glasses and white, short sleeved shirt and tie.

So, I get up there with about 5 minutes to spare to find IC,YAH boss making a big deal about how fucked up everything was and how I was not there on time and how busy he was and what a dumb ass I am for not remembering I had a desk shift and then he starts getting all patronizing through clenched teeth when I (feeling guilty) try to figure out what the big deal is and help. Oh lord, he had to reboot the computers 3 times and one computer has a downloaded adult porn chat applets and godamn, it needs to be rebuilt!

He told me that the CC was all fucked up all yesterday long. The thing that pisses me off is I saw him when I came in at 9 today and he didn't say shit....thanks for the heads up, Mr. Righteous.

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