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whooop, there it is.

I know this is evil and gross, but I just had to share. I ate way too much roasted garlic last night and now I am enacting my revenge on the stinky Computer Center patrons. It feels good. retribution is sweet.

I already had to deal with one of those ultra entitled acting jerkoffs who thinks that just because everything doesn't stop and begin to revolve around him, there has been a grave misjustice.

First off, he barges in when the lights are still off and the door is closed. When I remind him that the CC doesn't open until 9:30 he gets all bent and tries to act charming and I just repeat my reminder about the time and then he stomps off.

Act 2 He returns at the opening bell and sits down at the computer I signed him up for. I hear him huffing and puffing. Finaly he yells from across the room: "Are we supposed to close these instant message screens or what?".

I felt like yelling back, "Dude, it's a PUBLIC computing center, other people use it, close the screens and stop acting like it's a big inconvenience."

but i didn't. I just said, "yeah." and released my stank into the air.

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