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It is always darkest before the Computer Center opens.

Yeah, feeling a little sad and fucked up. Not in the standard sense of the word, nor even the literal/physical interpretation of fucked up, just the emotional. I won't bore you with the details, but I've been a bad employee lately and I felt I just couldn't be late again today. So, I vowed to get a bunch of sleep and take it easy and get up bright and early today. Be a good little chipper drone.

Flash to me trying to sleep in the back seat of me car all the way across town from my sweet little bed. 3 am, the bar had just closed. My cell phone keeps ringing and I'm borderline rage mad.

So much for turning over a new leaf.

I get to work one minute late, no sign of Impossibly Chipper, Yet Actually Hostile boss man, so, in the clear, but Damn, there has to be a better way.

I come in and turn on all the computers and sit in the dark, thinking the standard "Something's gotta change." routine. I don't even notice that it's 9:30 and time to open because the crowd of irritating regulars has failed to materialize. Just some hump, patiently waiting with his nose in a book. In fact, the CC has been open for 10 minutes and he's the only one. Maybe they are all afraid of terrorists. You know, if you don't come to the public library and surf porn, the terrorists have won, no, really.

Oh, My, God... It's 5 til 10 and I am completly alone in the Computer Center.Shit, here comes a creepy asshole, but no, he's just checking the time. I feel like I'm in that movie "Where Have All The People Gone?" Does anyone remember that one? Where solar flares have wiped out everybody except a certain group of people who appear to be genetically immune? And all the people who died left just their clothes and a pile of dusty sand? Anyone?

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