
Previous Drones:

good bye -

venting of the spleen -

merry christmas -

the MAN is WEAK! -




Few people in the center today...owing to the fact that the PRINT SERVERS are STILL FACKING DOWN!... yeah, alright, go systems, go! Throw your not-giving-a-fuck-hands in the air, wave 'em round like you just don't care. Word. what's it been, 10 days?

Wow, I wonder if the patrons are experiencing flashes of Zen enlightenment. They are forced to live completely in the moment. No Printers = No past. Was that a stupid assed instant message chime, or was it the tone of a stinky computer center patron removing the yoke of the endless cycle of birth and death?

The big news is the rearrangement of the CC so the drones' backs are not to the door. I was hoping a deranged homeless freak would sneak up and stick a blade in the throat of the attendant on duty so the place would get shut down.

This guy was sitting at his computer with headphones plugged in. He was chatting with the Instant Messenger chimes cranked up so loud that even with his headphones on, the whole place could hear what a popular guy he was. I had to go over and tell him to turn it down, too much human interaction.

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