
Previous Drones:

good bye -

venting of the spleen -

merry christmas -

the MAN is WEAK! -




The lord's day:

Yes, that's me, working on the lord's day. I will be forever cursed in the eyes of the lord. I shall be cast in an eternal lake of fire to burn in agony. But the pain of hellfire will be nothing compared to the torment of knowing that the lord has turned his gaze from me.

Yup, all that because some scumbag losers need access to their Yahoo accounts. Libraries are bastions of liberal damnation. Open on a sunday, the shame, the shame.

SO, uh, anyway, I feel like puking all over some unsuspecting patron, a mean one. The printer servers are down FOR THE SEVENTH DAY. People are now calling me to ask if I know when they will be up again. My standard answer is to say, "Wellll, it's sunday and I know that systems won't be working."

Quote of The Day

"Stephen King has captured the national consciousness like no other author."

The only woman on a computer is a Sweatpant Woman, in to type up an ad for her christian day care center. She has 2 pubescent Sweatpant Women with her, not thirteen and already on the path of broken spirited obesity. I know I know, don't hate the player, hate the game. She also has a wicked smoker's hack. You say, "but drone, how did she print out her thirty copies when the print server is down?" Well, there is a little known 100 year-old macintosh set up in a corner, with an arthritic old piece of shit printer.

Speaking of players, the guy who is fond of cruising X-rated message boards with his screen settings set to MAX is back. He keeps looking at these really gross pictures of women in their ratty underwear. They all have pale, bruised up legs, hickies, tiny heads topped with perms. The skanks aren't actually naked, but I feel like calling security just for aesthetic reasons.

Ha, an hour ago, some guy in an acid washed jean jacket and a CHPS 'stache rolled up and demanded to get on a computer RIGHT NOW. I told him there were none available until 2:30. He stomps off in a huff, only to return an hour later. He marches up and says, "Did I need to give you my name to sign up for a computer?" I wanted to scream "DUHHHHH!" no, I just sign people up with a vague physical description.

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