
Previous Drones:

good bye -

venting of the spleen -

merry christmas -

the MAN is WEAK! -




Ack like me.

Yup... it's happened. My Internet got shut off and now I am no better than the scum I endlessly loathe. I have no connection, I'm on the losing end of the "Digital Divide" I am an eHave not. Oh the shame of it all. Don't worry, I still have plenty of time to sit here and bitch uncontrollably about my life on the desk. I just won't be able to do it while I'm getting drunk at home. Those texts were distubing and bleak. Plus I'm a lousey speller anyway.

Wheeee! I just got to help a very dressed down HE/SHE ammmm, transgendered person. HE/SHE was in sweats! A transgendered SweatPant Woman! You would think after the years of painful injections, the surgery, the mood swings, just to pass as a woman you'd actually put some FUCKING effort into it, Sheesh!

Anyway, I'm hemmoraging about 300 bucks a month and I can't afford the crap dial up connection, or even a land line for that matter. So, it's you and me and the computer patron scum makes three.

Relatively quiet here in the old CC. I got to deny some super noisy 8 year olds before they were even out of the chute. They were all mobbed around the desk screaming at me and one of them tells me the first kid was lying about his name so I say, "That's it, out, all of you!"

They bitch and call me fat, but I kick their country asses out anyway.

My boss did a shitty thing yesterday, If there are any managers out there (and I hope there's not) Do not tell your employee that you want to see them in your office sometime before they leave. It's a shitty thing to do. I sat there wondering what I did wrong, I had a whole firing senario worked up and I was already having to sell my car and plasma when he told me that he wanted me to SIGN A FUCKING BIRTHDAY CARD!...that was it. It's not like I do a lot of stuff taht's fire-able, but damn, dude. Have a heart.

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