
Previous Drones:

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venting of the spleen -

merry christmas -

the MAN is WEAK! -




Spiritsa, come out.

Goddamn, I'm working on a Sunday again. I'll bet it's the thing that tips the balance and sends me to hell. "Well, we could have let you slide on the blaspheme thing but you just insisted on working on the Lord's Day. Now, it's Hell for you." (pushes buzzer, trapdoor opens.)

I suppose I'm pondering an eternal lake of fire because one of our frequent patrons who is in a Evangelical way likes to tell us that we are going to hell because we hate Jesus. Yep. He's not shy about it. "You say you don't believe in GOD?" (This is retorical, I'm assuming) "Then you hate Jesus."

Whoa! a weird thing just happened... I must be sending out the waves of religous ambivalance. A little kid just walked up and asked:

Can I ask you a Question?"

me: Sure

kid: Can I borrow your pencil?

me: Sure, was that the question?

kid: (blank look)

kid: Should we be allowed to pray in school?

me: sure

kid: (writes down "Sure" in notebook)

kid: why?

me: School's tough.

kid: (writes down "School tough")

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