
Previous Drones:

good bye -

venting of the spleen -

merry christmas -

the MAN is WEAK! -




Gahh. I was having a good day.

Until I was reminded that I had desk time. Now I am roiling in hell. The CC is completely booked....All day. no time. People are freaking out on me because there is no space. Everybody waits to the last minute. You can sign up for these stupid things over the phone a day in advance. But NOOOOO.

It's an emergency because their bookreport is due tomorrow and it's ten minutes to close and they are such pathetic losers that they actually think I Care/Can do anything about it.

Part of the learning experince is grasping the concept of resource and time management. I should know, I always got shit marks in Kindergarten for "Not Using Time Wisely" I still suck at it but now the stakes are higher.

Didn't pay your heating bill? FREEZE, Motherfucker!

Didn't practice Safe Sex? What the hell is that thing?

Got drunk, sat on the couch, watched TV instead of going to work? You're fired, now you have to sell your plasma and hang out at the public computer site for fun.

Really, I'm doing the brats a favor by being honest. No, there are no computers available and even if there were, I wouldn't type and format your resume for you. And that is the cold hard facts of life. Now go and weep in your cozy room whilst fondling your game boy, foul pox.

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