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breadline computer center.

Damn... it seems like every person in the Computer Center today is doing something employment related. It's starting to freak me out. If they are not working a resume, they are trying to navigate through the torturous unemployment voucher website. I guess that's what I get for having desk time in the middle of the work day. Still it must be some kind of sympton of the shitty economy. 7% growth my ass, try telling that to the lank haired, beaten down looking woman and her two snot nosed kids that just freaked out on me because I couldn't sign her up for more time. The CC is PACKED, every computer taken.

EWWWW! I just saw the guy over on Net 5 looking at pictures of big bulge, tighty whitey crotch shots. Man I don't think I can boot him, but the whole thing makes me feel a little grossed out. Fucking creeps. I hate them.

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