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i just wanted to scream, I wanted to fling myself down on the ground and scream and kick my feet and temper tantrum-out.. Some people are so rude and you can take them one at a time, but when they pile up, one after the other, damn,... I think there is going to be an unfortunate incident with a patron named pissak uff. I think Night Guy is going to lose it and stab the fucker in the eye with an ice pick. (lord knows I've fantasized it on multiple occasions.) I think that NG is losing it. He was hired on because nobody wanted to do the night shift, 5 tp 9 because it sucked massive style. He seemed to be doing OK but then some dumbass in the department decided to let him do some of the fun stuff and now he sees how fucked his job is and he doesn't want to do it anymore. Do you blame him? A few hours a week makes me want to garrote patrons from behind.

The Computer Center was created as a dumping ground for the rest of the library. If librarians saw people using computers in their department for chatting or looking at porn, they'd send them to us, but now the whole world wants to chat and pull it's pud and reference can't patrol the perimeter so guess what? The Fuckwits in charge have decided to cram more computers into our center. Here's an idea, how about BLOCKING JAVASCRIPT ON THE REFERENCE COMPUTERS, YOU FUCKING IDIOTS.

Dumb to the left of me, soul suckingly irritating to the right, intentionally helpless to the fore and just plain hideous to the aft.

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