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"I woke today and heard the jingle jangle of a thousand lost souls."

Brothers and sisters, we are here to day to WITNESS to the evil that IS the public Computing Center. Yeah though I walk through the valley of a packed out center, I shall fear no hostile patron. Actually, that is not neccesarily the case. I fear the hostile patron like the plague, yet I cannot seem to keep from baiting the hostile patron. I wallow in petty beauracracy sometimes. take Carry Labspere. I know this guy is a huge dickwad, but I just can't help but schedule a person directly after him so he will have to leave when his time is up because someone else is waiting. He will complain bitterly because the time is limit is set to only one hour on Sundays.....Muwah, ha, ha!

Another passive/agressive trick is to announce to a patron that his time is up and then tell the person who is next which computer will be theirs. They invariably go over and stand right behind the unfortunate person whom I'd just informed of the time.

Crazy-ass patrons are much better at imtimidating other crazy-ass patrons. I could only hope to be that effective.

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