
Previous Drones:

good bye -

venting of the spleen -

merry christmas -

the MAN is WEAK! -




I had gone into the computer center to help someone who had just snapped their fingers at me (How do waiters put up with that kind of behavior? ) when I noticed this purple-faced fatso in some really tight shorts.

He was huffing and puffing with one hand down his pants which he immediately withdrew when I walked in the room. I knew this guy was a scumbag because he was one of the smelly rescue mission crowd that rolls up after they get kicked out of the mission at 9:30 every morning.

So, I made a note of this guy's name and later that day told the manager about it I said "Hey, I caught Arron Butler masturbating in the computer center." Bossman looked really uncomfortable and said that's a pretty serious accusation and that we would have to get "Documentation" before we could do anything about it. So Arron would troop in everyday and start digging around in his pants and as soon as I would try to get security in, he'd stop.

I got sick of looking at his red, panting face every time I went into help a preteen with their book report. I knew the Manager wasn't going to do anything about it so I decided to get some "Documentation"

To make a gross story short, I set up a video camera and trained it on the chair that wiener boy was signed up for. I shot about twenty minutes of this guy pawing and pumping his crotch. Even though I only watched it through the viewfinder, I still feel grossed out.

I called up the head of security and told him I had something he should see (the Manager was conveniently off that day... )He came in and watched about 30 seconds of the beat off show, turned on his heel and called the police.

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