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Late night suckage.

I'm here in the CC giving The Late nite drone a break so he doesn't lose his mind and start spitting on the idiot patrons. The evening shift is a tough one because all the people with crap jobs come in and want to do complicated stuff RIGHT NOW and when you tell them that there is no automatic form for making a no fault DEEVORCE on the computer they look at you like you were the scum of the earth and YOU were personally responsible for all the shit that has happened since whenever shit started going south. People are stressed out and they take it out on you because they didn't plan and their brother-in-law is watching their children and they don't like leavin' the kids with him but the daycare vouchers ran out last week and they git really pissy with you if you leave your kids unattended in the buildin.

Then there are the people who freak out on you when you tell them their time is up and they have to leave because the next round of mouthbreathing losers have arrived and they want on their computer RIGHT NOW!

"You got any computers open?"

"No, we are booked through the end of the night."

"you ain't got no more?"


The late nite guy likes to have the fan on in the tiny, windowless room that houses 12 computers and a typewriter. He likes to have it pointing at the desk so it blows the stink of unwashed patrons away. This works only in theory because what invariably happens is a real stank ass will roll up and stand between the fan and me and then I get a big fat snootful of the worst smelling crotch/pit/rank hair aroma. people suck

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