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A Hard Rain...

SOmeone has been peeing in the stairwell. Occasionally it smells like pee spirit when I take the stairs. Like, gag inducingly so. There are never any puddles in the corner, or any evidence of wall stains or anything, just the unmistakable reek of urine.

I want to post a sign that says: "Why Does It Smell Like Pee In Here?" Maybe host a site, like

The really disturbing thing is that the pee must be aerosolized because there are no pools of it. I picture some bastard standing at the top of the stairwell, letting loose on the unsuspecting handrails below. Yick.

ANyway, The CC is packed to the gills. One interesting guy (who is kind of a regular) is this english dude. I'm pretty sure he's not some lame-ass midwestern Anglophile who's memorized every Monty Python skit and will quote incessantly at will. I like this guy because he is polite. He could be the Riverway serial killer, but he says "Excuse me.", Please" and "Thank You." Which makes him an OK guy in my book. Plus he's dressed all indian casual. A welcome change from the nostop parade of sloppily dressed locals who stuff themeselves into too tight athletic wear

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