
Previous Drones:

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venting of the spleen -

merry christmas -

the MAN is WEAK! -




Vindication, sweet vindication!

Remember the Stairwell Peesmell entry?

(I know, the answer is no, nobody reads this thing but me. It was a rhetorical question, OK?) Well, last night my boss was talking about how the building manager was all torqued out about (Gasp!) someone peeing in the stairwell. I guess the last couple of days have been pretty rough. Kids have been spitting over the edge of the 3 public atrium bannisters down onto the employees in the lower break area. Yesterday, 20 books mysteriously fell 4 stories down into the same area. People are useless fuckers.

Sometimes this place is like a juvie ward rather than a library.

Mr. COUGHUPMYFUCKINGLUNG just came in looking for a computer, I was happy to turn him away. People in my department have been felled by an upper respitory ailment that is typified by high fever, hacking cough and aches. Two days ago, Night Guy called in sick and we havn't seen him since. He probably caught it handling someone's revolting, snot covered mouse.

Just a couple of Yahoo readers, two resume floggers, Mr. Deathsmell, Irritating Chess Hump and me, here in the C to tha' mothuhfuckin' C, Yo!

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